There are so many “How To” books out there trying to capture you hard-earned cash, and tell you to do things their way; How to Publish on Kindle.They are all pretty much the same, so what's different about this one?Well, this book is written by an author who has got into Kindle on his own, looked at the famous guys plans; “I’ve sold a million books on Kindle” and read their ego trips that they call “Their System”. He’s learned for himself what works and what does not.There's no blowing of his own trumpet either, he's got nothing to prove.This isn’t a book, hawked by a snake-oil salesman, having copy and pasted from everyone else either. This is a hard hitting, yet witty journey into the art of getting it right; First Time.And… it’s only 99c. Hardly breaking the bank on any budget.If you have already written your article or short story, or if you're just at the ideas stage, this book is for you.Common sense advice, from a common sense guy.Also from Ian Hall on Kindle;Why You Should Write e-Books, e-Novels, e-Shorts. (Electronic Publishing versus Traditional Publishing)