This narrative is a little gem...The backdrop of the story is a tribal community in the ancient desert, and the story picks up at a point where the greatest salesman who ever lived is banished from his community, thus forcing him on a long and arduous journey through an alien and forbidding landscape where he encounters numerous obstacles and challenges along the way.It is about an outer journey, but it is really about the inner journeyIt is about staying true to oneself.It is about the Fall and Redemption.It is of course the Hero's Journey.What Publishers say about Andrew Toth:Writing is good, very visual...when he sticks to the story there is theatre (Hudson Hawthorn, Publishers)I found his work interesting, revealing, absorbing and well written. (Louis de Vries, Hybrid Publishers)This is excellent writing. He has the ability, by a good turn of phrase and an accurate eye for small detail to put readers right into the picture (Catherine Hammond, editor with Doubleday Australia and Millennium Books)