�� Do you wonder why your construction projects struggle to make money and your company is always in the red?�� Could it be that your estimating strategy consists of throwing a bunch of line items against the wall and hoping they stick?�� Poorly written estimates lead to all kinds of issues including low profits, stressed out production teams, unhappy customers and under-performing organizations.Stop the madness.�� I believe my new book, Be Intentional: Estimating can help you and your team develop a better plan for approaching estimating and achieving your goals.�� You are closer than you think. Stop weighing down yourself and your profits with bad processes. Do yourself and your team a favor and give my book a read. It's priced to be accessible and packed with value!�� Available in Kindle and paperback from Amazon - www.izvents.com/book�� Develop the right mindset and habits to help you and your team succeed with estimating insurance claims.“This book will help simplify claims understanding and improve even the most seasoned veteran in claims handling.”High praise from an industry professional who has helped build MaxCare of washington into a perennial leader for customer satisfaction and Contractor Connection awards.Thank you Tye Panzone for the kind words in support of my book Be Intentional: Estimating.Telling the story of the loss leads to:☎️ Better communication with the carriers�� Better scope discussions with the adjusters�� Better outcomes for clients and�� Better (clearer) production process�� Leading to better profitability for contractors.“I can’t believe I’m learning learning estimating tips from a restoration contractor.”How’s that for an endorsement from Christopher Stanley of IA Path who mentors insurance adjusters and has written 9 books himself.“This book will give you a solid mindset about writing property estimates.As a mentor of insurance adjusters much of this book is applicable to adjusters as well as contractors.”I’m glad Christopher sees this, one of my goals was to help all parties arrive at better outcomes through better communication in the claims process.“Sure a few things we adjusters can’t apply directly but this book is well written and entertaining.Everyone who writes property damage estimates can learn something from this book.”Thank you for your kind comments and support. If you haven’t yet heard, my book Be Intentional: Estimating is available in Kindle and paperback through Amazon.My goals with this book and The DYOJO Podcast is to help you shorten your DANG learning curve for professional development - www.thedyojopodcast.com