What is the best way to make money working from home on the Internet? The number one way I know of to make money online is to produce and sell video courses. This book shows you exactly how to do that based on my experience from 2014 to 2018 earning $200,000+ a year on average by teaching online classes produced in the comfort of my own home.Since I started teaching full time online in 2014 with my own business, I have earned $650,000+ teaching on Udemy, $100,000+ teaching with Stackskills.com, $100,000+ selling courses on my own website, $30,000+ on Skillshare, and $100,000+ from related income sources, such as creating audio books for Audible, Kindle books for Amazon, movies for Amazon Prime with Amazon Video Direct, showing ads on YouTube videos previewing online courses, coaching students, consulting, etc. While Udemy is the single largest source of income so far, I am currently banned from teaching on Udemy and I intend to earn the most from hosting my own courses on the University of Jerry Banfield with Thinkific where I have already earned $44,000 in the first year after switching from self-hosting courses with Teachable where I earned $100,000+ in the previous two years.I've made this because you have the exact same potential especially when you learn from my experience instead of trying to figure it all out yourself. Finding the equipment, finding the websites to teach on, and organizing all of this into a higher level mindset were so difficult for me. I am grateful for every instructor, student, and friend that helped make it easier for me which is what I intend to provide for you here.After four years of crazy challenges and countless failures, I have a video production setup that might be the best in the world for creating my own high quality video courses with the least resistance. A five hour long video course used to take me twenty to forty hours to film when I started and often came out with low quality audio and video. Today a five hour long video course takes me approximately ten total hours of time starting from an idea to having everything uploaded and the course published. I hope that the mindset I share in this book plus the practical tools, such as what microphone to buy, will make it way easier for you to get started and scale a teaching business online than it was for me.I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to see my family every day for many more hours as a result of teaching video courses instead of being away working in an office for someone else. I am imagining you using the information in this book to help create the life of your dreams which might include a self-sustaining business online that monetizes primarily by teaching video courses. Our world has a huge hunger for learning online that we can help satisfy each day to empower more self-supporting human beings freed from doing work without love and joy.Will you please buy the book now because I am imagining how much you will love it and be inspired by reading it?Love,Jerry Banfield