In order to accompany client issues, projects and ambitions, powerful questioning strategies and skills are often considered game-changing coaching competencies. Indeed, although powerful questions can seem almost esoteric to the unknowing public, they often startle challenged clients, and equally awe aspiring coach students. Unknown to the layman however, a very wide variety of powerful questioning strategies have been explored and mapped out by generations of coaching professionals. Less understood by many is their deeper purpose, the careful wording they require to be truly effective, the hours of necessary training to acquire their very precise linguistic structure. This book attempts to take the whole concept of powerful questioning coach strategies to its inner core. By integrating the accrued complexity offered by modern science, systemic coaching questioning strategies can allow coaches to further change fundamental life perspectives, disrupt existential perceptions, reshuffle the very fabric of mainstream reality. Step by step, this text-book provides practical keys to understand and unleash the neuro-linguistic power of carefully-worded coaching questions. it invites professionals to explore the outer limits of systemic coaching strategies and skills.